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News Clash

Terrorist Slaughter In Russian Religious Sites While Local Politicians Steal Page From Dem Playbook

In the face of all evidence, politicians are trying to blame political scapegoats... sound familiar?

We might expect this kind of scapegoating in the country that gave us Pravda… but why does it resemble our OWN media’s response to such incidents?

This isn’t the first terrorist slaughter of civilians on Russian soil. But this one specifically targeted two Christian and two Jewish religious sites, which were set ablaze, and included a priest having his throat slashed by the killers.

The current casualty count stands at 20. That number may yet go higher.

It’s a stark reminder that whatever our political disagreements with foreign governments might be — even in times of war — there are some evils that are even more malignant than war.

Like ISIS-aligned jihadists singling out civilians for grisly murder.

Social media quickly circulated pictures from Dagestan. The recordings show the faces of several fighters. In the city of Derbent, unknown individuals reportedly fired at a synagogue and a church. An Orthodox Christian 66-year-old priest, who the attackers reportedly killed by slitting his throat, was among the victims. Both temples were set on fire, and the church was listed as a UNESCO heritage site. Cars and other properties were also set on fire. According to eyewitnesses, the shooting in Derbent lasted almost half an hour. The entire group was moving in a car.
At the same time, a police station in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan, was fired upon. This city is 78 miles from Derbent. The attackers were dressed in black and wore beards typical of devout Muslims.
In two locations, around a dozen people, including police officers, were killed. In Makhachkala alone, 4 attackers were killed. “Kommersant” reported that videos shown on social media included the arrest of at least two more attackers on a beach in the city. — Essa News

But before the ISIS connection was announced, some Russian politicians had already announced who was ‘responsible’ for the violence.

Regional governor Sergei Melikov and Dagestan MP Abdulkhakim Gadzhiyev both spoke of potential Western involvement, with Gadzhiyev claiming that ‘the intelligence services of Ukraine and NATO countries’ may have helped to orchestrate the shootings.

But their attempt to pin the attack on the West swiftly fell apart, after Magomed Omarov, the head of Dagestan’s Sergokalinsky district, was arrested when officers learned two of his sons had taken part in the shootings.

During the interrogation, Omarov reportedly admitted to investigators he knew his sons harboured ‘extremist ideas’ and were strict adherents to Wahhabism – a particularly radical sect of Islam – before claiming he had no contact with them.

Another of the shooters was said to be a mixed martial arts fighter affiliated with the gym operated by former UFC Lightweight Champion Khabib Nurmagomedov, one of Dagestan’s most internationally celebrated individuals . — DailyMail

Sound familiar? It should.

Whenever someone goes rogue in America politicians and the leftwing media licks their chops for any possible connection — no matter how tenuous — to the political right. Especially if they can link it to ‘MAGA’.

But when they are sympathetic to the killer’s cause, suddenly the story pivots from ‘motive’ to another issue they can leverage for political gain… like gun control.

For all the talk about Trump and his inner circle being some kind of Russian puppets, why is it that Democrats and their buddies are the ones whose tactics resemble the natural inclinations of the Russian propagandists?

Right down to the detail of NOT suspecting jihadists when the targets are expressly religious.

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Wes Walker

Wes Walker is the author of "Blueprint For a Government that Doesn't Suck". He has been lighting up since its inception in July of 2012. Follow on twitter: @Republicanuck