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Soft Drink Taste Tests

Independence Day might be a good time to have a series of taste tests among any soft drinks being served at cookouts, just like Pepsi did back in the 1980s.

With Independence Day coming up, people will be having cookouts, with food and beverages ranging from burgers, hot dogs, and barbecue to beer and soft drinks.  Perhaps you’ve seen the Pepsi “Grills Night Out” commercials.  I’ve yet to see Coca-Cola produce any similar commercials.

At any rate, Independence Day might be a good time to have a series of taste tests among any soft drinks being served at cookouts, just like Pepsi did back in the 1980s.  So I decided to come up with a list of taste tests, which is as follows:

  • Coca-Cola versus Pepsi Cola versus RC Cola. This triple-threat match should have taken place back in the 1980s when Pepsi did its taste test with Coke.  The outcome is uncertain and perhaps even more so if Moxie was added to the mix. I also wonder who would win between the throwback versions (i.e. made with real sugar) between Coke and Pepsi.
  • Diet Coke versus Diet Pepsi. I would have to give the edge to Diet Pepsi, unless Diet Dr. Pepper is thrown into the mix, which would then prevail.
  • Coke Zero versus Pepsi Zero. I think Coke Zero prevails.
  • Caffeine Free Coke versus Caffeine Free Pepsi. I would have to go with Caffeine Free Pepsi.
  • Dr. Pepper versus Pibb Extra (formerly known as Mr. Pibb). Dr. Pepper hands down.
  • Sprite versus 7UP versus Starry. I think Sprite might prevail in this showdown, especially if it’s the real sugar version.  The outcome might be different if the taste test involved Starry’s predecessors (Slice, Storm, or Sierra Mist) or Canada Dry Ginger Ale, for that matter.
  • Sprite Zero Sugar versus 7UP Zero Sugar versus Starry Zero Sugar. It’s unclear which drink would come out on top in this taste test.
  • Mello Yello versus Mountain Dew. Mello Yello might prevail, unless it is a showdown between the real sugar versions, in which case, Mountain Dew comes out on top.
  • Mello Yello Zero Sugar versus Diet Mountain Dew. Diet Mountain Dew emerges victorious in this test taste.
  • Orange Crush versus Sunkist Orange versus Orange Fanta. I think Orange Crush would win unless the real sugar version of Orange Fanta is substituted.
  • A & W Root Beer versus Mug Root Beer versus Barq’s Root Beer. This could be a dogfight, but A & W might prevail.  The outcome might be the same if IBC Root Beer or Dad’s Root Beer were included in this taste test.

So there you have it — a list of taste tests that should have been carried out years ago.

By the way, I think Diet Rite is the worst-tasting soft drink ever.


Andrew Linn

Andrew Linn is a member of the Owensboro Tea Party and a former Field Representative for the Media Research Center. An ex-Democrat, he became a Republican one week after the 2008 Presidential Election. He has an M.A. in history from the University of Louisville, where he became a member of the Phi Alpha Theta historical honors society. He has also contributed to and Right Impulse Media.