Young Rebels In The Conservative Movement
There is a reason conservatives have been so success with new media, social media and spreading their message on the ground, and it’s one the mainstream media hopes they never have to shed a light on. The grassroots conservative movement, or as Dana referred to it, “the new American Revolution.” is being led by Generation Y. Steven Crowder, Madeleine McAulay, Brandon Morse and Hannah Giles joined Dana on the GBTV set to talk about what they’re doing to impact culture and bring a voice to conservatism, and how more people like them can get involved.
So, why is there this perception that conservatives are old and out of touch? The short answer is pop culture.
Brandon Morse, creator of Misfit Politics, explained that “the media has become this big boogie man [to conservatives] that we have to fight against, but it’s not something we need to fight against. It’s something that we need to get involved with. What we put into the mainstream is what changes the culture. If we, as a movement, start getting more involved in culture – movies, music, video games – I guarantee you things will improve at the polls and in politics.”
Steven Crowder, comedian and Fox News contributor, also pointed out that the demographic that conservative media is appeal too is middle aged. They aren’t running advertisements for an audience of 18 to 30-year-olds. Everything that appeals to the younger demographic, from movies to music, is telling them to be a liberal. Steven also emphasized how important it is to be authentic. ‘You don’t have to go out and join the Young Republicans and look like a young version of our favorite political commentator.’
Both Madeleine and Hannah discussed that a lot of the false narrative of “what a conservatives is” or “what a conservative looks like” comes from conservatives. Media networks are still painting the picture that you have to be an old, white males to get involved in politics, but the new media is changing that game up on them. It’s not just the left that is shocked by what’s going on in new media right now.
“That’s, I think, a big part of why people like Brandon, Hannah, and Dana identify themselves as conservatives, not Republicans. They threaten that old guard,” Steven said.
He referred to Dana and those like her as “apostates” of the Republican party.
We’ve been told for so long that people like Dana Loesch don’t exist in conservatism, and instead of showing America that they do, that there are young, cool, attractive conservatives that young people can relate to, the right continues to point the camera at the middle-aged men.