News Clash
Wasserman Schultz Caught Lying Her Butt Off… Again.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) told the Washington Free Beacon Wednesday evening that she will not be apologizing to Washington Examiner reporter Philip Klein after she falsely accused him of “deliberately misquoting” her.
“No, I definitely will not” offer Klein an apology, Wasserman Schultz said with a slight laugh as she was exiting an event meant to honor Center For American Progress founder John Podesta.Asked if she had a message for Klein, Wasserman Schultz bristled.
“I don’t,” she said.
“I don’t,” she said.
Klein caught Wasserman Schultz in a lie yesterday after she falsely claimed that Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren had chastised Republicans as being “dangerous” for Israel.
Oren later denied that he had made those remarks, leading Wasserman Schultz to accuse Klein of fabricating her quotes.