Benghazi-Gate: Inside The Mind of The Lying Crap Merchant,DWS.
Piers Morgan, CNN: The really important horse that should be flogged is the behavior and the statements of those who are in positions of responsibility and we would assume knowledge. And it’s pretty unAmerican, pretty unAmerican to be putting up completely false statements before you know the facts, isn’t it?
Debbie Wasseerman Schultz, DNC chair: Piers, it is not okay for you to be saying that the administration was putting out completely false statements. They put out information that they had at the time based on the intelligence that they were given —
Piers Morgan: That turned out to be completely wrong.
Wasserman Schultz: Well that doesn’t mean it was false. It doesn’t mean that it was deliberate. It means that.
Morgan: What?! Now wait a minute. If you put out a false statement, then it’s false, it’s wrong. It’s both of those things.