Gallup Has Romney Galloping Ahead of BHO, 51 v. 45.
Mitt Romney’s momentum keeps growing as has opened up a six percentage point lead over President Barack Obama in the latest daily rolling poll of likely voters from Gallup.
Though the survey was taken before Obama’s comparatively strong performance in Tuesday night’s second debate, the survey shows that the White House is now Romney’s to lose.
The former Massachusetts governor’s lead now stands at 51 percent to 45 percent among likely voters, up from a 50-46 percent figure on Tuesday.
With just three weeks to go until the election Romney also leads for the first time in a month among all registered voters, the venerable polling group says. That figure is narrower with the Republican up by 48 percent to
46 percent.
The survey is a rolling seven-day average through Oct. 16, and Gallup only began tracking likely voters earlier this month, The Hill pointed out.
But the 6-point margin is Romney’s biggest lead yet in the survey, and coming less than three weeks before the election, shows momentum that may be hard to stop.