Applebee’s Hammered after franchisee mulls hiring freeze in response to Obamacare
Among the commandments of life under the Obama administration: thou shalt not speak ill of Obamacare. Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter was hammered with Twitter abuse after informing shareholders and franchisees in August that implementing Obamacare would necessarily increase costs of running the business. Applebee’s is under the gun today after Zane Tankel, a franchisee whose company runs 40 New York-area restaurants, told Fox Business Network that a hiring freeze might be in the works.
Pamela Brockman @PamelafBrockman
More fools…Zane Tankel, Applebee’s Franchisee, Says He Won’t Hire Because Of Obamacare (VIDEO) via @HuffPostSmBizFloridaJewel @floridajewel
MT: BOYCOTT APPLEBEES NOW.Zane Tankel, Applebee’s Franchisee, Says He Won’t Hire Because Of Obamacare (VID)
9 Nov 12
@lindakaybruceBoycott this Applebee’s. Applebee’s Franchisee, Says He Won’t Hire Because Of Obamacare (VIDEO) via @HuffPostSmBiz—
Linda Bruce (@lindakaybruce) November 10, 2012