Funniest Crap Ever Alert: “Obama is More Compassionate Than Mitt Romney!”
Democrats and Liberal-Leftists like to say Obama Is more compassionate than Governor Mitt Romney and is therefore deserving to be reelected. This is not true and causes me to ask: “Are you, your family, your friends, the poor, the middle-class, the handicapped, the less fortunate, our country, the economy, etc. better off today than four years ago? Other than speechmaking, what exactly has Obama done since making so many now unfulfilled promises in 2008?
Actions speak louder than Obama’s endless stream of teleprompter verbiage. Since Obama became president, household income is down 8.2% ($4500). 12 million more Americans are on food stamps. In September, 83,000 more people signed up for Social Security Disability Benefits – bringing the total to 736,000 in this calendar year alone. The overall unemployment rate has been over 8% for 43 of the last 44 months. The real unemployment rate (U6) is 14.7%. The teen jobless rate is 23.8%, and those between 18 to 29 are at 16.7%. The U.S. labor participation rate has declined to 63.7% and over 23 million workers are currently unemployed or underemployed. Health insurance has increased 18%. Gasoline prices have more than doubled. National Debt has increased from $10.6 trillion to $16.1 trillion. And the current and projected Gov’t Deficit ― $11 of spending for every $7 of revenue ― is over one trillion dollars a year of money we must borrow or print.
Needless-to-say, these are horrible numbers – not competitive with leading industrial countries – and indicate the U.S.A. is spiraling downward toward de facto insolvency. Clearly, Obama has been totally ineffective in turning this situation around. He has tried to impose his de facto Marxist/Socialist/Quasi-Communist/Liberal-Leftist ideology on the economy and it has failed – as it always does.
Governor Mitt Romney has succeeded at virtually everything he’s done. He is truly an extraordinary and generous and caring man. He worked as a missionary in France and later was elevated to Bishop in his church. He graduated from Harvard with two degrees ― a Law Degree and a simultaneous Masters Degree in Business. He formed his own company, Bain Capital, an investment firm, and turned around dozens of faltering enterprises, creating and saving thousands of jobs. He turned around the Olympics when it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Governor Romney also turned around Massachusetts when it was seriously in deficit and debt. He balanced its budgets all four years . . . established private-sector-based RomneyCare for all Mass citizens . . . elevated its education system to number one in the nation . . . provided tuition-free college education for good students . . . and reduced unemployment there to 4.7%.
Mitt believes Jesus Christ is his Savior and Lord. He believes in Biblical truths and values, and in the Judeo-Christian principles enshrined in our Constitution – that our nation was founded upon. He is incredibly generous. He worked without pay at the Olympics and as Governor of Massachusetts. He contributed his entire inheritance to charity and contributes over 20% of his after-triple-taxed income to Charity. He pays more than legally required (14%) in Federal Income Tax on his blind-trust’s risk-capital investments in the economy. He has been happily married to the same woman for over forty years and has successfully raised five sons.
Never has America been more in need of a proven performer ― a turnaround specialist ― a competent manager ― an exceptional Chief Executive. Governor Mitt Romney is that kind of expert who will serve without pay to fix our nation’s jobs, wages, gasoline, economic growth, taxation, deficit and debt problems . . . while protecting traditional American Values, Exceptionalism, and Global Respect.
America needs another Mitt Miracle . . . to bring God back into the mainstream of American life . . . to bring pride-in-America back to the White House . . . to bring fiscal responsibility and professional management back into the national economy and budget . . . to take corruption out of the voting process . . . and to bring new confidence to owners of American business – that it is ok to make a profit and to invest in job-creating enterprises.
Frankly, there is no politician more dangerous than a charismatic deceiver like Barack Hussein Obama. He has had his chance and has obviously failed. His experience as a Chicago neighborhood organizer is simply inadequate to run our government and military. And his de facto Marxist/Socialist/Radical-Leftist entitlement-agenda has failed. Obviously, it is time to give a proven performer, a qualified individual a chance.
Electing a president should be more than a popularity contest or an act of loyalty to party affiliation! We are hiring a Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief to manage and lead the largest enterprise in human history. We should hire a performance-oriented leader to restore the American Prosperity Machine ― Competitive, Free-Market, Constitutional, Free-Enterprise ― which has given the greatest number of people the highest standard of living in the history of the world, and provided a model for other freedom loving nations.
Strive as the Obama Chicago Campaign and the Liberal-Leftist media try to smear his character and his accomplishments, Governor Mitt Romney is precisely the kind of successful and proven leader, non-career politician, that America desperately needs if we hope to salvage the American-Way – the American-Dream – for ourselves, for our children and grandchildren, and for our fellow citizens.