Lying From Behind on Libya

Let’s start where it first began.
No, not the election of Barack Hussein Obama, although that would be a good call.
Jump further ahead in the story.
Back in March 2011, when Obama started lobbing missiles at Libya, liberals assured us that we were NOT at war.
Editor’s Note: In commemoration of our Dear Leader’s Glorious Victory, I reprint this tribute to his courage, fortitude and BS-ability. What? You expected me to be repentent? Far from it. See you tomorrow 😉
Instead the administration described it as time-limited, scope-limited, kinetic military activity- which is just another made up phrase that liberals use to remind us that they are the people Orwell warned us about.
And thankfully, NPR– yes THAT NPR, the Big Bird NPR– allowed us to remain calm, by helping the administration keep it simple.
Just lie, they reminded the greatest communicator ever. Obama took his cue and lied from behind