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Unions to the Left of Me. Corporations to the Right of Me

As Republicans, we often charge the Democrats with dividing America. Rich vs. Poor. Black vs. White. It is true that they do that, but it is also true that we do it as well. Just turn on any conservative talk show and it is 90% about the other side and how evil they are.

Because of our own rhetoric, Republicans are perceived as anti-poor, anti-union, anti-immigration, and anti-minority. I have said this before and will continue to do so. Perception is stronger than reality. I will be addressing many misconceptions in future articles, but most of these misconceptions are self-inflicted wounds. If you hand the Democrats ammunition, don’t be surprised when they shoot it at you and don’t be surprised when you end up in the hospital trying to recover from your injuries.

The Republicans should have a large portion of the black, Hispanic and union votes, but we don’t. We don’t because of our messaging and because of those that we have trusted with our message.

I do believe that the Republican Party should be anti-something and I am going to tell you what it is. We should become the anti-corruption party. I talk a lot about lost opportunities and there have been many. The opportunity to become the anti-corruption party happened during the Occupy Wall Street movement. Just like with the Tea Party, the Republicans should have embraced the thought behind the movement. Not saying that they should have embraced the wackos, but they should have embraced some of the messaging. How can we embrace the message of the Tea Party about being against large corrupt government while rejecting the message of standing against large corrupt banks and corporations?

Let me backtrack a little. I am pro-corporation. Where would America be without the great businesses and business leaders that built our country into the most prosperous the world has ever seen? I am also pro-union. Where would we be without the unions that stood for the helpless worker? Would any of you like America to have the working conditions of the 19th century before unions with the help of government changed all of that?

Corporations are good! Unions are good! Banks are good! What is bad is when any of them get too large and get too corrupt. Republicans need to be the pro liberty party. We must fight for every American and protect them from corruption at all levels. We need to protect them from corruption in government, from corruption in the banks, from corruption in the unions. We must stand for the individual, not the institutions.

Like I said, there is nothing wrong with government, corporations and unions. What is wrong is when they are in bed together and it is the average American who is the loser.

Recently I went to DC to show lawmakers how with a simple change in the rules, the government could raise billions in revenue while at the same time unleash a whole new industry, create competition and jobs and solve a serious issue. Our opponent to this rule change is the wireless industry (cell phone companies). They oppose this change because they want to eliminate competition and get a hold of the public spectrum for pennies on the dollar of what it is worth.

A former congressman represents their industry and they give millions of dollars each year. Every congressman, every senator and almost every state lawmaker gets money from them. So even though it was not in the best interest of the average American, the cell companies got the law they wanted. Because of that law, several small businesses and charities are going to lose their entire investment. The government is going to come into their businesses, shut them down to make room for the cell companies and these small businesses and charities will not be reimbursed for any of their losses even though some spent millions. What’s worse is that they started these businesses because the government at one point encouraged them to do so.

Large corrupt government in bed with large corrupt corporations is an evil we, as the Republican party, must fight. We must fight it always, even when it is a Republican friendly industry. Wrong is wrong, no matter who is doing it. We are fooling ourselves when we say that we are for the free market. The free market hasn’t existed in years. Both Republicans and Democrats have sold their souls to specials interests and have rigged the game.

It is time that the Republicans leave this game and stand for the one institution that has truly made America great … The Free Individual.

Irwin spent the first 15 years of his adult life as a youth pastor in Miami Florida. He then went on to a career in marketing and television where he launched the first Spanish-language television station in southwest Florida and created multi-million dollar ad campaigns. He is currently the President of DrTV Network which is a multi-level television network dedicated towards healthy living. He also serves as Chairman for The Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance.

Irwin Podhajser

Irwin spent the first 15 years of his adult life as a youth pastor in Miami Florida. He then went on to a career in marketing and television where he launched the first Spanish-language television station in southwest Florida and created multi-million dollar ad campaigns. He is currently the President of DrTV Network which is a multi-level television network dedicated towards healthy living. He also serves as Chairman for The Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance.