WH Shuts Down Public Tours, Invites Adele, Beyonce to Michelle’s 50th

President Barack Obama and Michelle used to talk frequently about how the White House was the “people’s house.” In fact, the White House website now carries this quote from the First Lady: “It’s the ‘People’s House.’ It’s a place that is steeped in history, but it’s also a place where everyone should feel welcome. And that’s why my husband and I have made it our mission to open up the house to as many people as we can.”
So much for that nonsense. The same week that President Obama’s administration announced that due to sequestration, White House tours would be cancelled, sources at the White House announced that it would be hosting megastars Adele and Beyonce at Michelle’s 50th birthday party next year. “America’s First Lady will be holding a huge celebrity-packed party for her birthday at the White House next year and, as she adores Adele and Beyonce, she has asked them both to sing,” the source told the UK Daily Mail. The source did say that “The Obamas will pay Adele’s expenses as it’s a private party, not a State one.”
But will they pay all the expenses of the party? Security arrangements? Food? Cleanup? White House parties are expensive affairs.
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