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JAG TV: A Libertarian TV Network to Debut Fall 2013

Screen Shot 2013-04-01 at 9.44.54 AMLibertarian Republic Editor Austin Petersen interviewed Jennifer Grossman about a new libertarian television network being planned for a fall 2013 launch. Grossman’s ambitious project seeks to build a TV channel that does more than just compete with Fox News. Her plans to build programming based around the ideas of liberty would serve a broader audience than the more narrow mission of Fox to represent the voice of American conservativism. For now, Jennifer serves as the Senior Vice President of the Dole Nutrition Institute. But, when the network is launched, her background in politics might give her an edge over Glenn Beck’s The Blaze or the One America News Network, who declared their intentions to launch a competitor to Fox at this years Conservative Political Action Network.

But where the chief executives of One America are tied to Democrats like Harry Reid and the Democratic National Committee, Jennifer Grossman was a former Education Policy Director at the Cato Institute. She also served as a senior writer to the National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform with the late Jack Kemp and was a speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush from 1988-1992. Grossman believes her network fills in a space that potential competitors like Glenn Beck aren’t touching. Her idea for a libertarian lifestyle network would focus less on news and more on the concepts that living a freer life would entail. Whether it’s paleo diets, personal liberty or questioning common knowledge and cultural norms, JAG TV could be a brand new paradigm in television. Grossman’s unique background in conservative and libertarian politics is likely to be a critical factor in gaining the credibility the network will need to gain support as the voice for freedom lovers across the nation.

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