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The Fool Says, ‘There is no God’

Stephen_Hawking_on_his_way_to_a_lecture_before_highschool_students_in_Jerusalem_10-12-2006“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1

Be they theist or be they atheist, on this most scientists agree: In the beginning there was nothing. There was no time, space or matter. There wasn’t even emptiness, only nothingness. Well, nothing natural anyway.

And then, bang! Everything. Nonexistence became existence. Nothing became, in less than an instant, our inconceivably vast and finely tuned universe governed by what mankind would later call – after we too popped into existence from nowhere, fully armed with conscious awareness and the ability to think, communicate and observe – “natural law” or “physics.”

Time, space, earth, life and, finally, human life were not.

And then they were.

The overwhelming consensus among scientists, whether they believe in God or deny Him, is that the “Big Bang” moment of singularity is the only feasible explanation to account for the universe and everything in it. All things material must have a beginning and an end.

Still, scientists disagree over the who, what, when, why and how of it all. The Genesis account ascribes manifestation of this incomprehensibly complex and precisely honed universe to a benevolent, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient God who transcends time and space. This is, as it goes, the only way to account for a universe teeming with evidence of design, painstakingly engineered and clearly crafted by a superior intelligence that far exceeds man’s finite ability to comprehend.

Everything cannot come from nothing.

Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

Others say it ain’t so. Secular materialists and atheists claim it can’t be – that such explanation is a “God of the gaps” supernatural explanation and, therefore, must be banished from the realm of scientific inquiry. They demand that anything beyond the known natural is off limits. Atheists attribute all of existence to, well, nothing. It just kind of happened. Genesis 1:1 of the materialist Bible might read: “In the beginning nothing created the heavens and the earth.” Fuzzy math. Nothing plus nothing equals something. Zero times zero equals everything.

And so, they have reasoned themselves into a corner. These same materialists acknowledge that, prior to the moment of singularity – the Big Bang – there was no “natural.” They admit that there was an unnatural time and place before natural time and space – that something, sometime, somewhere preceded the material universe. That which preceded the natural was, necessarily, “beyond the natural” and, therefore, was, is and forever shall be “supernatural.”

Reader, meet God.

In short: the Big Bang blows atheism sky high.

Scripture admonishes: “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” (Psalm 14:1) It never ceases to amaze me the spectacular hoops through which God-deniers will jump to rationalize God’s existence out of existence.

I got a chuckle the other day from one such God-denier. Stephen Hawking is, no doubt, a brilliant physicist. He’s widely considered one of the most intelligent men alive.

Which makes his abject foolishness all the more puzzling.

In a desperate attempt to explain how a finally tuned, infinitely complex universe with highly intelligent, mindfully self-aware human beings can “appear spontaneously from nothing,” Hawking threw the “M-theory” Hail Mary during a recent lecture titled “The Origin of the Universe.”

According to NBC News, “M-theory posits that multiple universes are created out of nothing, Hawking explained, with many possible histories and many possible states of existence. In only a few of these states would life be possible, and in fewer still could something like humanity exist. Hawking mentioned that he felt fortunate to be living in this state of existence.”

This is also known as the “multiverse” theory. It is, essentially, the God-deniers last best attempt to explain away a universe that exhibits smoking gun evidence of intelligent design and fine-tuning clearly intended to support life. The multiverse theory – to the extent it can be called a theory (there’s exactly zero evidence to support it) – conjectures that our universe is merely one universe among an infinite number of invisible, parallel universes. It just so happens that we live in that one spontaneously self-created universe wherein, against astronomical odds (quite literally) – everything fell right in to place.

Poof – here we are.

In other words, we won the cosmic-parallel-dimension lottery at a-bazillion-to-one odds.

And they say we rely on blind faith?

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Matt Barber

Matt Barber is founder and editor-in-chief of and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. In addition to his law degree, Matt holds a Master of Arts in Public Policy from Regent University. Matt is both an author and a popular columnist. He’s known for a unique writing style (an entertaining blend of thoughtful analysis and Swiftian satire, delivered with a rapier wit). Many newspapers and online publications run Matt’s columns, to include WND, TheBlaze, the Washington Times, TownHall and many more. Author of the book, “The Right Hook: From the Ring to the Culture War,” Matt is currently penning his first novel. In addition to frequent public speaking engagements, Matt has appeared as a cultural analyst on the Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNN and is a regular guest on dozens of talk radio programs and networks including Michael Savage, the G. Gordon Liddy Show, Dennis Prager, the Michael Medved Show, the Janet Mefferd Show and others. Matt also co-hosts “Faith and Freedom” a daily legal and cultural issues talk radio program heard on about 90 stations across the country. Matt served twelve years in the Army National Guard, was a law enforcement officer for three years and a corporate fraud investigator for five years. Setting him apart from others in his various fields, Matt was an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer retiring in 2004. Prior to turning pro, he was a several time state and regional Golden Gloves champion, competing in the 1992 Western Olympic Trials and winning a Gold Medal in the 1993 Police and Fire World Games.