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The Mass Murderer Who Didn’t Make the Mass Media

Screen Shot 2013-04-14 at 4.24.13 PMAt Salon, Alex Seitz-Wald demands to know:

On Gosnell “blackout,” where were conservatives before this week?

Well, here’s where I was:

This is a remarkable moment in American life: A man is killing actual living, gurgling, bouncing babies on an industrial scale – and it barely makes the papers.

That was February 10th 2011 – or, in pro-choice terms, nine trimesters ago.

Mr Seitz-Wald adds:

A search of the National Review’s website shows it’s written little on Gosnell.

Here’s what I wrote here almost a month ago, on March 20th:

Gosnell’s murderous regime in Philadelphia reflects on him. The case’s all but total absence from the public discourse reflects on America.

There are over 800 comments on that post, so, even if Seitz-Wald was flummoxed by the whimsies of the NR search engine, evidently plenty of others weren’t. I will grant his silly argument this – that no doubt there are many so-called conservatives who reflexively shy away from stories like these because they’re cowed by the broader culture into feeling it’s somehow uptight, provincial and problematic in image terms to be seen to make a fuss about a mountain of dead babies. As Andy’s powerful column reminds us this weekend, the left is brilliant at framing the debate in language that demoralizes too much of the right into pre-emptive concession.

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