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Scrubbing Liberator 3-D Gun from the Internet? Good Luck with That.

Once something has made its mark on the internet, it can never be removed, especially something as controversial as the Liberator. To anyone worried about the fate of the Liberator’s designs, rest assured they have been immortalized in the hard drives of countless computers and servers. The internet has provided a beautiful underground world free from the ravages of regulation and the perdition of the state.

While the Liberator brings up many legitimate security concerns, it is important to remember that freedom can be a tad unnerving at times. However, freedom means sacrificing the sultry comfort of living like a child under the Bastille bosom of the state for a life lived by one’s own hand and volition. We are all concerned about keeping guns out of the hands of evil people, and I would suggest to anyone who shares my concerns to start by taking these plans out of the depraved hands of the Department of Defense, and back into the public domain.

This all being said, regardless of our opinions on the printable Liberator, 3D printed weapons are here to stay. There have already been hundreds of alterations and improvements made to the openly available design, and the surge of printable firearms is only going to get more sophisticated as time goes by. While it is hard to imagine that now anyone has the power to print a gun free from limitation without picturing some harrowing scenario and shuddering: I’d gladly suffer the consequences of having freedom before suffering the consequences of having given my freedoms up.

P KanePatrick is a political activist based out of Boulder Colorado. He is currently employed by several of Colorado’s preeminent think tanks and has worked in the liberty movement since he was fourteen. An aspiring writer, Patrick currently writes for Girls Just Want To Have Guns and Complete Colorado Page Two.

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