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‘Big Sis’ Pushes Orwellian (1984) Lies and Tyranny

BigBrotherIn his 1949 novel 1984, George Orwell wrote something that seems to be very applicable today, especially as it relates to the things liberals say when trying to explain away what is undeniably true. Orwell said that “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”

When it comes to the power of “tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of [his] own choosing,” President Barack Obama is a pro. Responding to the NSA scandal, Barack Obama shared the opinion that “You can’t have 100% security and 100% privacy.”

While that premise may be somewhat true, it’s still amazing that when it comes to abortion Barack Obama is able to overcome every obstacle to ensure that the right to 100% privacy is always 100% secure.

In like manner, taking a few minutes off from purchasing billions of rounds of ammunition and ordering riot gear, on New York City’s political show Road to City Hall, Homeland Security Secretary/catcher of dangerous border-crossing hairdryers Janet Napolitano told Errol Louis that she thinks “people have gotten the idea that there’s an Orwellian state out there that somehow we’re operating in. That’s far from the case.”

Sounds like some “tearing and putting together” may be going on, because Janet Napolitano’s comments on the NSA controversy sound very similar to Barack Obama’s over at Ohio State. Giving the keynote address, Obama warned graduates to “reject these voices” that caution of the evils of government, saying, “Still, you’ll hear voices that incessantly warn of government … or that tyranny always lurks just around the corner. You should reject these voices.”

Now, despite denying an Orwellian state, Janet Napolitano has done exactly what Orwell was talking about when she pointed out to Mr. Louis the various difficulties involved in “striking the right balance between security and civil liberties.”

That explanation not only supports Obama’s ongoing “tearing and putting back together” endeavor, but also explains why Big Sis allows our porous border to remain open – the DHS’s “shape of its own choosing” worries that the civil liberties of illegal aliens may be infringed upon.

Nonetheless, on Road to City Hall, Ms. Napolitano urged Americans not to worry about government reconnaissance efforts infringing on Constitutional rights, because there are lots of protections built into a system. That’s the same system that dropped the ball when Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev came back to the United States after spending six months being trained in terrorism tactics in Chechnya.

To reinforce that built-in protections argument, Ms. Napolitano then pointed to a privacy office embedded in her own department that is “constantly reviewing our policies and procedures.”

Janet Napolitano touting protections “embedded” into a system that she’s in charge of – to keep a check on her – is sort of like Obama appointing Eric Holder to investigate why Eric Holder authorized the seizure of Fox News reporter James Rosen’s private emails after accusing Rosen of being a “possible co-conspirator” in violation of the Espionage Act. It would be laughable if it weren’t so appalling.

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Jeannie DeAngelis

Jeannie DeAngelis, born in Brooklyn, New York and raised on Long Island, is a wife, mother and grandmother to three grandsons. She has written for politically-themed articles for conservative websites like American Thinker and Breitbart, emphasizing current events as well as the full range of liberal hypocrisy in politics and Hollywood, and pro-life issues. Jeannie publishes a blog at