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Generation Porn: Youngsters Watching Porn is on the Rise

Young kids, having access to pornography on a regular basis – the thought scares parents to death.  The number of kids seeing those images is growing at an alarming rate, though.

Experts say it is not just “kids being kids,” or something they will grow out of, this porno problem could continue to haunt these children into adulthood.

It started when “Bill” was 9.

“My brother and sister played a porno in front of me,” said “Bill.”

He is now a recovering sex addict. Problems with pornography – it is a battle he has been fighting ever since.

“It has absolutely been a terribly destructive force in my life, it has been a very serious problem,” said “Bill.”

Bill’s story has become more like the new normal, and less like a unique search.  The number of young kids, watching pornographic videos on a regular basis, has skyrocketed.

“Drastically, every day,” said sex therapist Carol Sheets.

Ninety of kids 8 to 16 say they have viewed porn online. By the age of 10, young boys will have seen 11 hours of it.  In just one hour, kids see an average of 363 sexual scenes.

Sheets said seeing those images at a young age can have devastating effects later in life.

“It’s so intriguing that it fixates their brain,” said Sheets.  “It is something called “brain lock” and it brain locks them and it drives them to this compulsion to want to look at more of it.”

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