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Musings on the Cult of Victimhood

And why is it society’s fault if certain people can’t stop eating? Why is it other people’s fault if once decades ago someone was a bully to you? Why do these people who run the gamut of pathology get away with blaming all of the rest of us for something we had nothing to do with? They never seem to get better; they never seem to want to leave this idea of being a victim and face reality that they are partly to blame or completely to blame for many of the circumstances that lead to their particular issue.

My biggest peeve is how a lot of women tend to blame all men for their problems. Here comes the idea of the common denominator again. Let’s say a woman is having a hard time in relationships with men. Why is it so difficult for the women who would sit on Oprah’s sofa crying about why men are so mean to them to see that they might be to blame for their continued singlehood? Blaming half the human race for one’s problems is irrational and insane and because of Oprah a lot of women get away with it.

People who shrug off the mantle of victimhood and refuse to be part of that world are many times maligned because of a perceived idea that they are not compassionate. Part of a human being’s strength is, when its bad and one is hurting either physically or emotionally, they climb out of the morass and refuse to let the emotions of anger, insecurity and despair overtake them. And they rise above the bad because if they did not they’d never be able to leave it behind.

It is hard to be compassionate towards others who live for being the victim where the drama validates their wounded emotions. Not when one was in the same place at one time or another and took the opportunity to put the bad behind them. That is what an adult human being does. It is what we have to do to survive: pray about the problem and then rise above it. We could not survive if we didn’t do that.

So Oprah now adds “victims” of gun violence to her list of groups she compartmentalizes into her cult. Considering her home base is “gun free” Chicago where gun deaths are the highest in the nation, it is kind of ironic she blames the gun but not the leftist culture she embraces for the violence that goes on day after day in the Windy City. If the people who are now caught in the trap of government housing, welfare handouts and public education are victims of anything, they are victims of a parasitic government that has turned them in four generations from productive and vibrant humans to paupers on the dole. Oprah as parasite isn’t far from the facts.

Oprah is no victim. In fact she’s the least victimized of any woman I can think of. But she embraces things about herself for the sake of making money, and others glom onto that charade and make her poor, woe-is-me shtick about themselves. It’s a con that’s worked for decades and meanwhile the American people who watched her show and admire her, women mostly I might add, have fallen into a morass of blame and victimhood and our country, our society and our way of life have suffered for it.

It is time to stop being the victim. It is time to rise above circumstances whatever they may be and refuse to be part of this cult.

182508_10151118764097793_1960298547_sStephanie Janiczek is a former Capitol Hill Staff Assistant, Schedule C Appointee and Leadership Institute alum. Military Wife, Hunter, Horse enthusiast, dog owner, writer and feminist kryptonite.

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