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Hey, Conservatives! You Better Figure Out Katchi Kapshida — Teamwork

I know we are very individualistic and one person’s conservative view might be another person’s Kryptonite. However the time has come for a lot of folks to step back and start thinking what is more important to them: Beating the left and getting a strong foothold to build on down the line, or their own self-centered view of the world?

In politics my way or the high way doesn’t really work. Ask anyone who has had to deal in political circles. You won’t get everything you want but when you work with your fellow like-minded individuals you build a foundation to eventually get the things you want done, done. That’s how politics, building a movement and changing things work. It doesn’t work by demanding everyone think exactly like everyone else because, frankly, that is not possible.

We have to be united from here on in. Teamwork and getting everyone of us on the same page would be the boost the movement needs. I am not saying drop your principals but I am saying that there is a larger goal here and that is defeating the left. That should be our soul focus. That should be the mantra we all wake up with every day. We should ask ourselves every morning: What can I do to help boost the movement and my country? What service can I be of?

That is what Reagan did, and that is what other great conservatives have done. Teamwork and remembering who the real enemy is will bring us victory. We have a saying here in Korea that describes the teamwork and friendship between the United States and South Korea: “We Go Together”. That should be the motto of the conservative movement and the Tea Party movement. Katchi Kapshida, We Go Together.

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Stephanie Janiczek

Stephanie Janiczek is a former Capitol Hill Staff Assistant, Schedule C Appointee and Leadership Institute alum. Military Wife, Hunter, Horse enthusiast, dog owner, writer and feminist kryptonite.