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Dissing Wal-Mart — The Left’s and Washington DC’s ‘War on the Poor’

These low-skill, minimum wage jobs are a way for the young to get a leg up and learn a skill or develop a talent and move up on the economic rung of society. Crack-head Marion and company obviously believe this to be a bad idea. How awful would it be for folks in a poor community to gain a skill or learn a trade? How awful for someone to start paying their own cell phone bill with the loot they earn and not be reliant on the machine? How awful for someone to have the possibility or opportunity to remove themselves from the democratic welfare plantation?

Milton Friedman destroys the pro-minimum wage argument here. You cannot argue with his logic and facts, which is why the libs must always resort to feel good tactics and demonizing conservatives for hating the poor, not wanting the poor to have a “living wage”. Thomas Sowell crushes the “living wage” argument here in a TownHall article from 2003.

Its time we used the tactics the left employs to demonize their opponents. The Left has an ongoing “War on the Poor” cleverly disguised as ideological group of elites that are only trying to help.

As a great man once said “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Ronald Reagan

Image:; author: Brave New Films; Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

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Ron Collins

Ron Collins was born in '70. Raisin' chickens and shootin' groundhogs by 5. A little bit hillbilly, a little bit city boy, but always an unashamed and politically incorrect American. Best advice he took from his father: 'Find your heroes among American History not Hollywood or the sports arena.'