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That’s right — anathema.

Law enforcement officials have repeatedly stated that our porous border is not only being breached by Mexicans and South Americans — but also by jihadists from such ruthless Islamic organizations as Hezbollah and Hamas.

You remember Hezbollah, don’t you? This is the very group — back in 1983 — that slaughtered over 240 of our Marines in Beirut via a truck bomb.

Ronald Reagan famously stated that, “A nation that cannot control its borders can’t control its destiny.”
Spot-on, Mr. President.

It is long overdue for politicians like Marco Rubio to stop licking the boots of certain identity groups (in order to garner favor and votes) and, instead — put the safety and security of the American people first.

The message could not be more direct: Hey — just secure the damn border!

Image: U.S. Border/Yuma Sector/foiled vehicle smuggling attempt. source: _releases/local /2012_news_releases/october_2012/10302012_4.xml; author: Customs Border Protection; public domain

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Pete Parker

Pete Parker is a Navy veteran and former strength athlete who writes about the current issues of the day from a conservative perspective. Pete was also the host of “TUFFTalk” radio which dealt with national security-- and the threat Islam poses to Western Civilization. He is very passionate about preserving our great nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage.