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The Beta Males of the World and the Women Who Love Them

I know a woman who has a great career, great kids and money. On the outside one would think she had a great husband. One would think that. However she’s also a radical leftist with ties to a teachers union. She spouts feminist ideology and she demands everyone know how brave and independent she is.

She is also married to a guy who has cheated on her countless times and flirted with other women in front of her. She kicked him out and then, after a time, she forgave him. Is he still cheating? I don’t know but I will say that the chances that he never stopped chasing other women are as low as Pneumatic Tire’s chances are to win the Belmont stakes. Did I add he’s a die-hard left-wing Democrat who once called himself a socialist?

The man described above is the proverbial left wing beta male. On the outside you think he exudes the confidence and quiet resolve of a real man. But here’s the hypocrisy. He’s a deer hunter who hates guns. He’s a banker who hates capitalism. He is a married man who can’t stay true. His wife tolerates his behavior and I have to ask why?

When Anthony Weiner showed up this week with his wife, the much commented about Huma Abedin, in tow a lot of us expected him to leave the New York City Mayor’s race. He did not. The part of me that still believes in people becoming adults through discovering their own mistakes hoped he would leave. The cynical jaded part of me that knows the pathological nut Weiner is knew he would not.

And his enabler, Huma, was there defending him. She said she loves him. Translation is this: I want to be first lady of New York and this is the only way I could ever do it. For Weiner? It’s a get out of jail free card and as long as his narcissistic need for acceptance, no matter what he does, is met he will continue to get out of jail free.

What is with feminist women who marry these losers? We’re told how secure these women are, how powerful in their own way they are, but when hubby shows his beta male tendencies they staunchly defend him. They have the gall to attack conservative women, many of whom walked away from marriages that were awful, while these paragons of Feminist identity stay in these partnerships that are only a veneer of a marriage.

Staying in a marriage with a man who is morally corrupt sexually or otherwise and lots of times morally corrupt in all ways says a lot about the wife. It says she is insecure, doubtful of her own individuality and is also as amoral as her wayward spouse is. It’s a terrible precedent to show children of such unions.

The Democrat party seems to be rampant with amoral beta males. San Diego Mayor Earl “Bob” Filner is being sued for sexually harassing one of his staffers and now six more women have come forward. He’s a Democrat but you wouldn’t have known that if you depended on the press to report that little fact. Filner is now going into rehab for sexual addiction, as if that will make his corruption and evil all better.

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Stephanie Janiczek

Stephanie Janiczek is a former Capitol Hill Staff Assistant, Schedule C Appointee and Leadership Institute alum. Military Wife, Hunter, Horse enthusiast, dog owner, writer and feminist kryptonite.