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Welcome to the New America: Too Rah,Rah? EBT Abuse? Spying on Citizens?

Is your confidence building for the perpetual need for welfare funding and new programs? It’s for the children, remember, so if you’re opposed to this you’re probably just another hateful racist, bigot of some new sort or another and most likely a puppy killer.

And for the win:

Low-level scumbags at the NSA can listen and read your stuff without a warrant:

“There are legal constraints for how you can spy on Americans,” Greenwald said. “You can’t target them without going to the FISA court. But these systems allow analysts to listen to whatever emails they want, whatever telephone calls, browsing histories, Microsoft Word documents.”

“And it’s all done with no need to go to a court, with no need to even get supervisor approval on the part of the analyst,” he added

The spying on Americans will continue as the House — Republican controlled House — just approved continued funding for this piece of garbage. Who thinks this is a good idea? There is no doubt this will, or is being, abused. What low level flunky, if not for themselves, know a friend, or friend of a friend, that will snoop on someone they may have a grudge against. Maybe some one didn’t check the “yes” box on the “will you be my girlfriend” note from grade school. So, hey, lets see whats on their pc, phone records and emails.

Have you called your representative lately?

Image:; public domain

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Ron Collins

Ron Collins was born in '70. Raisin' chickens and shootin' groundhogs by 5. A little bit hillbilly, a little bit city boy, but always an unashamed and politically incorrect American. Best advice he took from his father: 'Find your heroes among American History not Hollywood or the sports arena.'