CAN OF WHOOP ASS: ALLEN WEST- ‘We’ve Got to Keep Shaming Sharpton, Jackson for The Race Hustlers That They Are’
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Congressman, stand by because I want to talk about another topic with you, a brutal school bus beating caught on camera. Three 15-year-old African-American boys viciously attacking a younger white student, breaking his arm, giving him two black eyes. Now, the victim was only 13, and he was defenseless.
Now, the bus driver was suspending for doing very little, if anything, to help. But former congressman Allen West is pointing the finger at others he thinks should do more, the congressman telling Civil Rights activists Reverend Al Sharpton, Reverend Jesse Jackson, quote, “Y’all make me sick.” Is that what you said?
WEST: Well, absolutely. And I have to use my southern vernacular because, you know, where are their voices now, because what we just saw happen in that videotape is absolutely reprehensible. Here was a defenseless young — young fellow who was actually — reported these three gentlemen for selling drugs on the school property. Now…
VAN SUSTEREN: That’s what led to the beating.
WEST: That’s what led to the beating. Now, my first question is, who told these three young boys that this was the person that reported them for the drugs being sold on that campus?
And another thing is that this was not their authorized bus to be on. So how were they able to get on that bus? So there’s some adult responsibility that was lacking with the school administration.
And now think about this. If you’re a young kid in this school and you see criminal behavior, you see some wrongdoing, are you going to report it, knowing what just happened to this young fellow?
VAN SUSTEREN: Probably not. But you know what’s sort of appalling is that, you know, we’re all — we all look at this tape and we’re all scandalized at the brutality. I mean, his arm was broken. He got two black eyes.
WEST: Sure.
VAN SUSTEREN: A 13-year-old. And it’s three against one. And of course, the racial implications to it. But you know, look at the adult behavior, though. I mean, you take Reverend Sharpton and Reverend Jackson, particularly Reverend Sharpton, he was really out there in front when it was Trayvon Martin…
WEST: Oh, yes.
VAN SUSTEREN: … and where there was a death, really out front. And his silence certainly speaks loudly for this!
WEST: Well…
VAN SUSTEREN: Assuming that there’s any sort of racial connotation with this — we don’t know that there is, but it’s — you can’t miss the fact that it’s three African-Americans on one.
WEST: Well, I think also it goes back to the failure in the black community. I mean, why would you have 15-year-olds that were selling drugs? And then why would they turn to this type of behavior against someone that turned them in?
You know, Jesse Jackson called the state of Florida an apartheid state. He has also been leading a sit-in in the state capitol there in Tallahassee. Where is his voice on this? Al Sharpton led all the marches. Where is his voice on this?
There’s a greater issue in the black community that people are not dealing with. And I guarantee you — if you look at the background of those three young African-American teenagers, I guarantee you they come from some failed homes.
VAN SUSTEREN: So where do we go from here? I mean, like — I mean, how do we get — because, look, you know, Reverend Jackson, Reverend Sharpton — those are important voices. Whether — you know, whether we — you know, whether I — you know, and we think that they should be out talking about something, or not talking about something, you know, they’re important voices and we ought to at least figure out a way to sort of coral them so that we can all get on the same page.
WEST: Well, see, I don’t think that they’re important voices. I think they’re voices that cherry pick the issue that will benefit them the most…
VAN SUSTEREN: But they have people listening to them. I mean, even – – even…
VAN SUSTEREN: I totally agree with you they do, but — but they — they rev up — they rev up a segment of the population.
WEST: And so they need to rev up the segment of the population that is concerned about what is happening in Chicago. They need to rev up the segment of the population that is concerned with the two black teenagers that shot a 13-month-old white baby in the face with a .22-caliber pistol. They can’t not continue to do the things that they think elevates them, and you know, really cause them to be seen as, you know, the hustlers that they are.
They need to start understanding that we have serious problems in the black community. The unemployment situation is rampant. The family breakdown — only 28 percent have, you know, mothers and fathers in the home. The education is — is horrible that is happening in the black community. So that’s where they need to start standing up.
VAN SUSTEREN: I don’t disagree. But the question is, how do we get them to do that because it — because…
WEST: You got to keep shaming them.