CRUZ and RAND: Please Keep Punching

Michael Walsh- In the contest between Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, I have no idea who will win the battle for conservative hearts and minds, but I do know this: It’s about time somebody in the GOP started acting like Democrats. By which I mean, both Cruz and Paul realize that Campaign ’16 has already started, and unlike the clueless Mitt Romney, you don’t wait until you’ve secured the nomination to turn your attention to the foe. Instead, you prep the battlefield by pounding him relentlessly, all day, every day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, well in advance of the actual election. Like the Left, you should never stop, never sleep, never quit. Politics, alas, has become a full-time job, and not just for politicians. We’re all part of the Permanent Campaign now.
Why? Because that’s the way they play the game — not just the party operatives, but their legions of media hacks in control of the Narrative, and their allies in academe who represent the indoctrination wing of la Causa. And as long as they’re allowed to romp unopposed on the field until it’s time to steal another election, they’re going to continue to roll out one distraction after another — look, puppy! — in order to obscure both the truth of the current situation and their long-range goals. That’s the plan, and they’re sticking to it.
Just ask them. As some idiot wrote in Rules for Radical Conservatives:
“What plan?” you ask. After all, we seem like such nice people. We preach tolerance constantly (it’s our protective cloak, our defensive shield, our Tarnhelm against your righteous anger), we never resort to violence when a ruinous lawsuit will do, and we’re always ready with an explanation of why your behavior is wrong, immoral, aberrational or just plain nuts. We will “talking cure” you to death, set the rules for you, force you to stay inside your head while we romp around in the unoccupied sectors.
Stop and think. Don’t you now, on some level, believe that up is down? That black is white? That freedom is tyranny? That good is evil?
Of course you do. Because that’s what we want you to think. That’s what we’ve been telling you for more than seventy-five years. There is no position or proposition too ludicrous for us argue, and so beaten down are you that you’re bound to at least consider what we have to say.
Still, as the great philosopher Mike Tyson famously observed, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” The counter-punching from Cruz and Rand has already thrown the Left off its game, which is why it’s reacted to Cruz like screeching vampires suddenly confronting a crucifix. They want to turn him into the male Sarah Palin, but there’s those pesky little details like his Senate seat and his Harvard pedigree — like FDR, he’s a traitor to his class.