BUSTED: Pirate Hooker Facing Jail Time for Sextortion of a Millionnaire for $250,000

A former model and real estate agent is facing jail time for attempting to extort over $250,000 from a wealthy married Michigan businessman.
Mirella Dzioba, 33, hatched a scheme to blackmail the 61-year-old executive after meeting him at a property sale close in July.
Suggesting the pair went for drinks following the sale, Dzioba came onto the victim and flattered him on a dinner date by suggesting that she ‘enjoyed strong men’ and encouraged him to speak to her in a sexual manner.
The man, who is named in FBI affidavits only as a ‘wealthy businessman in the Detroit metropolitan area’, followed the married mother-of-three’s lead and ‘was also encouraged by Dzioba to subsequently leave several similar voice messages’.
The two agreed to a second date at which Dzioba, ‘inquired about the extent of the victim’s wealth’ and brought him into her confidence by asking him to help her financially with a charity she was running.
After this meeting, the FBI claims that the former model who is of Bosnian descent sent the victim, ‘what could fairly be described as suggestive photographs’.
There is no suggestion in the signed affidavit that the couple ever had entered into an intimate relationship.
Read more: dailymail.co.uk