Why Is Christie Bent on Including Islamists in NJ Security Forums?

Almost 10 months after the Clarion Project originally made public its discovery that four Islamists are members of N.J. Governor Chris Christie’s Muslim Outreach committee, the Clarion Project has obtained documents obtained from the Office of the Attorney General that the four radicals continue to participate in this sensitive forum.
In addition, a fifth committee member with a faulty background has since been identified. Christie also appointed the Attorney General who oversees the committee as the interim Senator after the death of Senator Lautenberg. On November 15, 2012, Clarion released the names and backgrounds of four committee members, including a Hamas-linked imam named Mohammad Qatanani whose deportation is sought by the Department of Homeland Security. Christie has long defended the imam, describing him as a friend in July 2012 and attacking his critics as “bigots.”
Imam Mohammad Qatanani, whose deportation is sought by the Department of Homeland Security for not disclosing on his green card application that he was arrested and convicted by Israel in 1993 for his involvement with Hamas;
Ahmed Shedeed, was at a rally for Egypt’s website currently contains disturbing statements about jihad on the West, wife beating and polygamy;
Mohammed Younes, the President of the American Muslim Union, a group with Islamist leadership and close ties to Qatanani’s mosque, which was founded by a Hamas fundraiser; and Imam Abdul Basit of the New Brunswick Islamic Center, a mosque founded by a radical cleric. In July, it held a Brotherhood-linked seminar featuring multiple extremist speakers. Disturbing information about a fifth committee member,
Khader “Ken” Abuassab of Paterson, has since been found. After the controversy over the NYPD’s intelligence-gathering in N.J. began, Abuassab said, “I would tell people not to cooperate” with law enforcement because “I can’t promise people they will be safe or not be spied on again.”