HEY JACK: High School Forces Student To Remove ‘Duck Dynasty’ Shirt, It Was Deemed ‘Threatening’

DINWIDDIE, Va. (CBSDC) — A Virginia high school wasn’t “happy, happy, happy” with a “Duck Dynasty” t-shirt one student wore to class recently.
According to WWBT-TV, Dinwiddie High School forced Hunter Spain to remove his shirt that pictured Si Robertson with the words “I Will Hurt You Physically and Metaphysically” because it was deemed too “threatening.”
“For this to be considered a threat to the school, I couldn’t understand it,” Edna-Jo Spain, the student’s mother, told WWBT.
The school reportedly told Spain to either turn the shirt inside-out or go home to get a new one.
“I’m not going to look stupid in front of all these young ladies in the school,” the student told WWBT. “So I decided to get a different t-shirt.”
The school stands by its decision, saying the shirt could be misconstrued to those that don’t watch the popular reality show.