KILLER BOYFRIEND: Jilted Ex Shoots Former GF, Kills Her New BF and then Commits Suicide

*Be careful who you date!
A 21-year-old man critically wounded his college honors student ex-girlfriend and killed her new boyfriend, then turned a gun on himself in a murder-suicide that has shocked the small-town campus of Salisbury University in Maryland.
Police say Ryan Shallue became increasingly disturbed after his high school girlfriend Kristen Loetz, 19, dumped him four months ago. She had just started her sophomore year of college. Shallue began stalking her and bought a gun two weeks ago.
On Wednesday night, he showed up at Loetz’s off-campus house, where she discovered her with 20-year-old Charles ‘CJ’ Abbott. When Shallue began fighting with Loetz, Abbott tried to intervene, police said.