Allen West To President Obama: You’re “A Brat”

Former Rep. Allen West took to the media Thursday to give an assessment on the progression of the government shutdown, and President Obama’s leadership skills: He’s throwing a tantrum, acting like a “spoiled brat,” he said.
“I can put it in very basic Southern terms: a spoiled brat child,” Mr. West said, during an interview with Newsmax. “We have been giving Barack Obama everything that he has wanted. We gave him a state senator position in Chicago, we gave him a U.S. Senate position out of the state of Illinois, unproven, untested, no resume, we gave him the presidency twice.”
But Mr. Obama isn’t satisfied, Mr. West said. And the result is predictable: It’s what happens when an overindulged child is denied, he said.
“So if you continue to reward bad behavior, you’re going to get more of that bad behavior,” Mr. West told Newsmax.
Mr. West also said that Mr. Obama’s childish behavior is rooted in his desire to enact radical change that turns the constitutional system of the nation’s government upside down.
Under Mr. Obama’s watch, the nation is losing that belief system and instead moving toward an “imperial presidency,” he said.