BELLY FLOP: Just 50K People Have Signed Up for Obamacare Website – 1/10 As Many As Expected

Fewer than 50,000 people have signed up for Obamacare’s private insurance exchanges through the federal website – one tenth as many as the Obama Administration had predicted for the first month of the program. has been crippled by severe problems that have prevented Americans from signing up for the new insurance policies since the site was launched on October 1.
Many others have discovered that plans are more expensive than they had anticipated – usually because Obamacare imposes new restrictions and mandates for care that increase the cost of premiums.
The Wall Street Journal reports that as of last week, fewer than 50,000 have signed up for the health insurance exchanges.
According to the newspaper, internal Obama Administration reports predicated that 500,000 people would sign up for Obamacare insurance policies in the first month.
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