FRUGAL: Washington D.C. Spends $133,573,928 to Enroll Five People in Obamacare Exchanges
Earlier this week we learned Delaware has spent $4 million to enroll four people in Obamacare. That was nothing. New numbers from four different healthcare providers show Washington D.C. has spent $133,573,928 to enroll a grand total of five people in Obamacare. That’s $26,714,785.60 per Obamacare enrollee.
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield: two enrollees from Oct. 1, 2013, through Oct. 30, 2013.
Kaiser Permanente: three enrollees from Oct. 1, 2013, through Oct. 31, 2013.
UnitedHealthcare: no enrollment data from the exchange as of Nov. 4, 2013.
Aetna: no enrollment data as of Oct. 24, 2013.
American’s for Tax Reform breaks down taxpayer money given to D.C. for Obamacare exchanges in this chart using data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services.
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