MEDICAID FOR AL QAEDA: ObamaCare Flaw Allows Anyone On Earth To Fraudulently Enroll

Obama’s easing of the non-citizen Medicaid enrollment process opens up Medicaid to being overwhelmed by fraud. This problem is compounded by the Navigator/Assister program being on the “honor system,” and the scores of troubling Navigators/Assisters appearing on Though a sideshow throughout Obamacare’s passage and litigation, Medicaid’s pivotal role in President Obama’s health care reform effort has become apparent following the law’s October 1 implementation. In many states, Medicaid enrollment through the portal is dwarfing the number of “private” insurance plan purchases.
While this development represents a major financial threat to the survival of Obamacare, new regulations established by Obamacare to cover Medicaid enrollment have created a major threat to the United States’ ability to administrate that far larger benefit program.
Following is a summary of the problem:
Non-citizens are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program). This is not a new development. However, the documentation and verification process for such enrollments was significantly eased by regulations in the Affordable Care Act.
Getting fraudulent applications for Medicaid or CHIP approved is now easier, and thus more likely.
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