The Night Dems Drove The Old Dominion Down, Detroit Elects First White Mayor In 4 Decades
I’ve got bad news and I’ve got good news. Bad news first: In a ghastly, late night turn of events, dyed-in-the-wool conservative Ken Cuccinelli was finally declared beaten in his down-to-the-wire race for the governorship of Virginia against carpetbagging scam-artist Terry McAuliffe by a disgustingly gleeful, chipper, and excited Wolf Blitzer on CNN, whose tone prior to McAuliffe overtaking Cuccinelli had been noticeably less enthusiastic.
Cuccinelli had led by a fairly good margin in the election returns most of the night as the less-populated, rural “red” precincts steadily reported their tallies first and as the hours passed, with Republicans becoming eagerly, cautiously hopeful of a miracle possibly happening before their eyes.
But many of us here in Virginia had seen that movie before, in other electoral defeats of recent years–as the evening wore on and the more urban, democrat-stronghold counties eventually turned in their heavily weighted results, Cuccinelli’s commanding lead began to disappear, and it all seemed to boil down to the D.C. suburbs of Fairfax County, where I live, and its neighboring densely populated blue-leaning districts.
Sure enough, despite an incredibly valiant and very surprising showing by Cuccinelli, McAuliffe overtook him in the last stretch, if you trust the preliminary officially-reported results. The race was close enough for a recount to be very possible, perhaps likely or even automatically triggered by law. I’m writing this late Tuesday night, and absentee ballots have yet to be officially tabulated.
Of course, Chris Christie won big in New Jersey, but that’s not really the compelling story as far as I’m concerned.
My anguish over Ken Cuccinelli’s close-but-no-cigar performance is alleviated somewhat by what to me does seem to be a miracle, a miracle mostly overlooked as I write this, and as the TV blares nearby with this DeBlasio commie yapping half of his mayoral victory speech in Spanish up there in New York City. [BARF] (Meanwhile, in other mayoral news, the Chris Farley doppelganger up there in Toronto auditioned successfully for a creepy-ass, crack-smoking cracka reality-TV version of Washington, D.C.’s notorious Marion Barry!)
But back to that miracle thing.
The good news is that black voters in Detroit showed the country that they, too, like the millions of white voters across the land who twice elected Barack Obama as president, can see beyond race in a political race.
Detroit is an 82% African-American city, and earlier this year, a “cracka” named Mike Duggan creeped his way onto the mayoral primary ballot there as a write-in candidate, then beat his black opponent and was elected mayor last night.
It’s the first time a white mayor has been elected there in forty years. I find this simply amazing, given so much of to what we’ve become accustomed regarding Detroit, and regarding racial politics in general.
This gives me hope. This tells me that all is not lost. It says that there is yet evidence of reason prevailing against insanity, eventually. It says that when things get to a certain point, of necessity, human beings can and will put aside obstinate racial animus and choose the course of improvement.
Don’t get me wrong; of course I’m not saying that whites voting for Obama is merely in and of itself a good thing, simply because of the affirmative-action aspect–I’m saying that principled voting should transcend race where necessary, and not invariably have a necessarily racial basis (as was so much the case with Obama, unfortunately). Am I making sense?
And get this: Of all people, Malik Zulu Shabazz, who up until just three weeks ago was the National Chairman of the New Black Panther Party (among the very worst of the worst of race-hate groups), actually came out publicly in support of electing Duggan! Shabazz actually referred to Duggan as a “white brother” and has helped make the case for putting him in the mayor’s office, as opposed to electing his black opponent, Benny Napoleon. Shabazz indicated that given Detroit’s grave problems, voters “don’t have the luxury of going with ‘the best black.'”
Again, this is amazing to me. I haven’t followed the Detroit situation all that closely, but I did catch a good chunk of a debate between Duggan and Napoleon which aired on C-SPAN about two or three weeks ago. I could tell from what I heard that Duggan was the more qualified and sensible choice, and that Napoleon was appealing mainly to the usual sort of tribalistic angle, in coded language patterns. But until earlier today I hadn’t any real clue that Duggan was about to be the new mayor of Detroit.
People, get ready. All is not lost.