SHARP, SOLID & SMART: A Great Video Showcasing the Real Face of Conceal Carry Holders in MN
Think you know who permit-to-carry holders are? What’s the picture you have in your head?
We love the Twin Cities area of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota and we love our freedoms. Meet some interesting people in their “natural habitat” and enjoy their uniqueness and commonality as they express their love for their neighborhood.
Twin Cities Gun Owners & Carry Forum, with the generous help of Crucible Arms, put together this short documentary showing a cross section of Minnesota’s permit-to-carry holders.
–As of Nov. 1, 2013, there are nearly 160,000 permit-to-carry holders in Minnesota.
–Over 52% of those permits are in the 9 county metro area (Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka, Dakota, Washington, Scott, Carver, Wright, Sherburne)
–Since January 1, 2013, MN permits-to-carry have increased by an average of over 4,500 per month, to date
–The year 2012 saw a record number of MN permits issued: 31,657*
–Total valid permits at the end of 2012: 114,793*
–The Minnesota Citizens’ Personal Protection Act of 2003 (MN’s right-to-carry law), MN §624.714, contains no requirement to “conceal” a firearm if a person has a valid permit-to-carry recognized by the state of Minnesota. In other words, Minnesota does not have a “conceal and carry” law. Minnesota has a “right-to-carry” law, and persons with a valid permit-to-carry may “open carry” a handgun in plain view if they so choose, or they may “conceal carry” if they so choose.
–Training to apply for a permit-to-carry in Minnesota requires completion of a firearms safety or training course providing basic training in the safe use of a pistol and conducted by a certified instructor which includes**:
—-instruction in the fundamentals of pistol use;
—-successful completion of an actual shooting qualification exercise; and
—-instruction in the fundamental legal aspects of pistol possession, carry, and use, including self-defense and the restrictions on the use of deadly force.
–Applicants for a MN permit-to-carry must do so through their local sheriff and will be required to pass a criminal background check and must not be prohibited from possessing a firearm**
–MN permits issued to women increased by 81% in 2012 (over 2011)
–Women are one of the fastest growing demographics of gun owners in the United States. One in every four women say they own a firearm***
*Source: State of MN Department of Public Safety 2012 Permit to Carry Report,…
**Source: MN §624.714,…