Time For a Tea Party! Common Core Standards Dumped in the Harbor
by Karen Serna
Clash Daily Guest Contributor
As a high school student, I had little interest in or need for history. How could a bunch of dates, names and geographic locations I would probably never set foot on be relevant to me? What did it matter? Don’t get me wrong, my teachers consistently explained to me how knowing our past would help us navigate our present and future. “We must learn from the past so that we do not make the same mistakes in the future.”
Unfortunately, I never understood what they meant; and the context of these lectures often centered on America and her mistakes. I do not deny that as a nation we have made many mistakes; and there are many cancers in our history that should have destroyed us.
However, there was never much focus on the downfall of foreign governments that would mock a free market society like America. There was never any discussion about socialism and communism and their extreme flaws much less any discussion on how communist leaders came into power in these foreign lands.
Now that kind of information would be helpful with all that is happening in America today. In addition, there was never any discussion on the things we did right. There was little focus on the courage of our founding fathers and the insight they provide for these days. Simple ideas like taxation WITH representation, religious liberty, and free market economy were ideas worth dying for not only in the eyes of the founding fathers but also in the eyes of ordinary colonists.
Today we face issues like Common Core, the federal takeover of our public education system. It only takes a little research to understand that Common Core is taxation without representation. New federal education standards are being shoved down the throats of states and local school boards, thus, the American people, without any accountability to our elected officials. And like anything else that the government does for us, you know it will come with a huge price tag –taxation without representation, plain and simple. All of us would agree that the federal government already gets too much of our hard earned pay checks, but to take our money without giving us a voice is a huge violation of everything America stands for.
Therefore, could it be time for another Boston Tea Party? Could it be that we need another generation of men and women, old and young, to stand in civil disobedience to this new law, Common Core? Oh, wait, you can’t really even call it a law since it was never voted on by the legislature. They wouldn’t dare send this new standard to our elected officials since the whole thing is completely unconstitutional.
So, what would it take to declare a national “skip” day? You remember those from high school right; all the seniors skipped class on the same day? What would it take to make a statement to the proponents of Common Core that we don’t intend to stand for this kind of tyranny? Don’t stand by and allow yourself to be taxed without having the right to vote someone in or out of office. Don’t stand by and allow Common Core to produce a generation of robots that will be enslaved to its substandard education. Let’s throw the tea into the harbor – no more taxation without representation!
See, Mrs. Hargis, maybe I did learn something in history.
Note from the author: Most states have groups that are trying to stop Common Core before it is fully implemented. An internet search will help you find these groups in your state so that you can get involved.
FMI on Common Core and how it affects you visit:
5 Part Video Series Titled: “Stop Common Core” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coRNJluF2O4
Image: Courtesy of: http://anyaswiki.wikispaces.com/
Karen Serna is a wife and homeschooling mom with two children. She holds a degree in Chemistry with a minor in Math from Angelo State University. In addition, she is a certified secondary educator. Prior to having children, Karen worked for Texas State University-San Marcos as an analytical chemist and industrial hygienist for over twelve years. Her passion lies in seeing a generation of Americans once again embrace true freedom.