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Fifty Years Experience: 101 Principles to Live and Work By, Pt 2

(Continued from Part 1):

I learned early in my 50 year career that we are not always smart enough to remember all that we know. So, it is well to be reminded of what we know. Accordingly, I formed the habit of writing down and reviewing the principles of success whenever I had time to kill. Following are 101 of the most important concepts that kept me from venturing too far off the proven path.

Hopefully, some of these principles – many of which you probably already know – will help you compete more effectively in the years ahead, if you review them often.

35) Planning involves men, money, material, time and space.

36) Persistence and Determination alone are Omnipotent … never give up.

37) Carefully dissect a problem before attempting a solution.

38) Divide and conquer … problems, opportunities, enemies, etc.

39) Consider a Trial and Error approach when a clear-cut solution is not evident and when the trial and possible outcome is not too costly or embarrassing.

40) Consider a Small Scale Test when a clear-cut solution is not evident and when the test and possible outcome is not costly or embarrassing.

41) Act now! Act now! Act now!

42) Let others know what you need, want and expect. If delivered in a pleasant manner, most people will try to give it to you.

43) Be assertive, but never aggressive. To be assertive, do (42) with the attitude that it’s O.K. if others say no. Don’t become angry or unhappy if they say no.

44) People buy because of Needs, Wants, Price (Terms and Conditions), Delivery, Quality, Service, Habit and the Lack of Hassle.

45) Before making a sales presentation determine:
a) The prospect’s needs, wants and expectations.
b) How can you help him/her to satisfy them?
c) What will it cost him/her to go without your solutions.

46) Structure your sales call or presentation around the following subconscious questions on the mind of most buyers and audiences:
· Why should I listen to you?
· What is it you’re selling?
· Who says so? (On who’s authority?)
· Who did it? (References?)
· What do we get (his business)?
· Why should I (personally) care?

47) With (45 and 46) in mind, prepare a Show, Tell, Involve and Commit presentation . . .
. . . Begin with something to Show that supports your proposition and captures the buyer’s attention and interest.
. . . Tell why your proposal meets the prospect’s needs, wants and expectations.
. . . Involve the prospect (ask questions, for his opinion, etc.).
. . . Ask the prospect to Commit to your proposed course of action.

48) Write things down and write them in one place … where you can conveniently review them and quickly find them.

49) Take action now … on your To-Dos, on your notes, on your follow-ups, on your commitments, on your calls-to-action, on your directives, on your plans, on your programs, and on all of your responsibilities.

50) Make every minute count by using your time to work productively, efficiently and effectively … to produce and accomplish more. Do not permit others to waste your working time. Tactfully, dispose of working time-wasters.

51) Master the art of Incrementalism. Recognize that most things are “easy by the inch but hard by the yard.” By dividing tasks into small, manageable increments, you can make even the most difficult and unpleasant task manageable and achievable.

52) Dress for Success. Read the book. Dress like a professional.

53) Speak clearly and pleasantly to be understood and respected.

54) Two ears … one mouth. Listen twice as much as you speak.

55) Learn the meaning of words … one new word each day.

56) Write clearly and correctly to be understood … to express … never to impress. Write it. Rewrite it. Proof read it … every word and punctuation mark.

57) Know what you know and optimize it.

58) Know what you don’t know and minimize it, overcome it or compensate for it.

59) Know your Strengths and Weaknesses. Optimize your strengths and minimize (overcome or compensate for) your weaknesses.

60) Grow where you’re planted. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence.

61) To get what you expect, inspect.

62) Something is going wrong right now that you don’t know about but should. Find it and fix it.

63) Never tear down a fence until you fully understand why it was put up in the first place.

64) Remember Gallagher’s Law: If it looks good it usually gets better; if it looks bad it usually gets worse.

65) Know the numbers of your job and business, and make sure you are always contributing more than you are costing.

66) Avoid surprises! Keep your boss fully informed of your actions, expectations and results.

67) Always be the first to report the news, good and bad.

68) Never allow someone else to pass on Bad News. Always do it yourself, and do it as quickly as possible and in person.

To be continued …

Images: Courtesy of:

William Pauwels

William A. Pauwels, Sr. was born in Jackson Michigan to a Belgian, immigrant, entrepreneurial family. Bill is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and served in executive and/or leadership positions at Thomson Industries, Inc., Dow Corning, Loctite and Sherwin-Williams. He is currently CIO of Pauwels Private Investment Practice. He's been commenting on matters political/economic/philosophical since 1980.