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Lyin’ King’s Dynasty Extends Seal of Approval to Duck Dynasty … For Now

In an interview conducted with People magazine, which hit the newsstands last Friday, The Lyin’ King professed his personal approval of Duck Dynasty. Not only does The Lyin’ King watch the program himself but it is one of the very few television programs he and The Lyin’ Queen ostensibly permit the White House princesses to watch.

Willie Robertson (son of the beleaguered Phil and CEO of Duck Commander) and his wife Korie were not only invited to the last White House Correspondents Association Dinner but, according to CBN News, were summoned to attend a private, pre-dinner reception with The Imperial President:

…White House Correspondent Jennifer Wishon…writes that she was walking towards the ballroom with Willie and Korie Robertson, her guests for the evening, when a man dressed in a black suit approached and whisked the two away. “I’m with the White House and I need you to come with me,“ he said. The pair returned 45 minutes later…Willie Robertson told Wishon that the President told him he loves Duck Dynasty. “He said he loves the show and watches it on Air Force One,” Robertson said, adding that Obama had also presented him with a pair of cufflinks.

Britain’s MailOnline gleefully pointed out that People magazine made The Lyin’ King’s feelings for Duck Dynasty even clearer:

Obama professed his love of Duck Dynasty in an exclusive interview with People magazine that came out Friday. In answer to the question, “Who would you rather spend the day with: Kim and Kanye or the Duck Dynasty Family?” he chose the Duck Dynasty family…”The Duck Dynasty family seems like a pretty fun bunch,” (the president) told People. “I can see how that would be pretty fun.” It’s not the first time the President has expressed a fondness for the Louisiana clan.

Breitbart iced the cake:

…the Obamas limit their daughters’ cell phone usage to weekends, limit computer usage to what is necessary for homework, and restrict television viewing. They are very attentive to what their daughters are exposed to…So it says something about Duck Dynasty that it is a show the Obamas are comfortable with. Korie said: “I know the Obama’s are very particular about what they let their girls watch on TV so if our show is one they find acceptable, that’s really great.”

Let’s see how long that lasts.

It is looking more and more like the controversy A & E fomented over Phil Robertson’s interview with GQ magazine was a put up job; according to The MailOnline a representative of A & E was present during the interview. No matter how single-mindedly the left and Hollywood PC wannabees misrepresent what Phil Robertson said and knowingly take his statements out of context, the public isn’t buying this time. For example, hoards of furious customers have shown Cracker Barrel the error of its ways, forcing the less-than-savvy retailer to reverse course from its head-long rush to leap over the gay Gestapo’s cliff.

But reality has never intruded upon The Lyin’ King’s desires. Nor has embarrassment ever prevented The Lyin’ King from flipping positions, 180 degrees. It is doubtful that he will permit a ginned-up slight against his prized, gay constituency to go unanswered.

But, hiss and spit as they might, GLAAD may have to wait until The Lyin’ King returns from Hawaii to make him eat his previous praise of Duck Dynasty. Perhaps with some of Cracker Barrel’s red-eye gravy to wash them down.

Image: Courtesy of:

Marilyn Assenheim

Marilyn Assenheim was born and raised in New York City. She spent a career in healthcare management although she probably should have been a casting director. Or a cowboy. A serious devotee of history and politics, Marilyn currently lives in the NYC metropolitan area.