ALLEN WEST: “Read this bovine excrement emanating from the mouth of the worst president”

Written by Allen West
Lately, President Obama has been talking about “austerity” and cutting spending. What a crock.
According to a report by Paul Bedard in the Washington Examiner, when you total all the reported expenses of the first family’s 22 vacations so far to Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, Spain, Colorado, Florida, Africa, etc are combined, the estimate of Obama vacations reaches over $18 million when hotel and resort rent, security hotel and car rentals and airfare are included. Austerity?
As you may be aware, Mr. and Mrs. had separate Valentine’s Day vacations — y’all can do your own analysis on that.
But how does the Commander-in-Chief look into the eyes of the young men and women in our military on food stamps as he and the FLOTUS jet off all around the globe?
According to the Washington Examiner, Government watchdog group Judicial Watch has been “bird dogging” this issue. Concerned about the trip expenses and the administration’s lack of transparency on the trips, Judicial Watch has sought spending documents.
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