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Enough Is Enough – Stop Slammin’ My Man

by Karen Serna
Clash Daily Contributor

As most of my family and closest friends know, I am an incredibly opinionated and animated person. So the other day, it was no surprise to one of my closest friends when I went off about a simple car commercial. I was so upset that I can’t ever remember the car being advertised, or I would call them by name.

The commercial opens with a frazzled mom trying to use the old airplane trick to get her high chair bound child to eat to no avail. In walks dad who is wearing a suit, which makes me assume he’s headed off to work to provide for his family. Dad, seeing his wife’s frustration, very sweetly offers to help. Instead of making airplane noises, the father uses car noises; and immediately the child gobbles down his food. The mom then proceeds to roll her eyes and annoyingly mutter, “Like father, like son.” The camera then shows their new car.

What is the point? Why must they slam this helpful, hard-working dad? If the dad would have raced off to work without helping, we would have been upset about that too. Either way, the man loses. And, if he was that big of a loser, then how come they have a new car?

Then there is the commercial trying to sell you a ready to eat brisket where all you have to do is heat it in the oven for one hour. The man who is watching the oven happily shouts something about dinner being ready. The wife swoops in and turns on the oven so that the man is now shouting that dinner will be ready in one hour. Again, dumb man! What an idiot! How horrible can he be? Sheesh! (roll of the eyes)

I could, of course, list more commercials and/or television shows that all do the same thing. Why? What is the point? Are women that insecure about themselves? Is our culture afraid of strong, responsible, caring men? When did we decide men were evil?

I could be wrong, but it sure seems like it would be beneficial to lift men up, honor them, respect them, and teach our children to respect them. When I was a child, I was taught that I reap what I sow, that I should follow the “Golden Rule” and that only bullies who are insecure about themselves pick on other people.

It looks to me like we should evaluate the condition our families and the condition of our nation and decide that it’s time to rebuild the foundation of any thriving society, the family. And we can’t do that if we are always degrading one half of the family.

Needless to say, in our house, Dad is a hero, my children idolize him and drop me like a hot potato the instant he gets home from work. Does that make me insecure? Absolutely not! I couldn’t be more thrilled. If your family is struggling to stay together, give honor and respect a try. Ladies, try lifting your husbands up instead of tearing them down. They get enough of that from the culture.

Image: Courtesy of:

Karen S smallKaren Serna is a wife and homeschooling mom with two children. She holds a degree in Chemistry with a minor in Math from Angelo State University. In addition, she is a certified secondary educator. Prior to having children, Karen worked for Texas State University-San Marcos as an analytical chemist and industrial hygienist for over twelve years. Her passion lies in seeing a generation of Americans once again embrace true freedom.