TURN AWAY THE GAY: Star Trek’s George Takei Calls For AZ Boycott In Scathing Letter
Following the passing of a controversial bill which allows Arizona business owners to turn away lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) patrons, “Star Trek” alum George Takei posted a scathing open letter on his blog calling for a boycott of the state itself if the law is enacted.
A portion of the blog reads,
Dear Arizona, Congratulations. You are now the first state actually to pass a bill permitting businesses -– even those open to the public -– to refuse to provide service to LGBT people based on an individual’s “sincerely held religious belief.” This “turn away the gay” bill enshrines discrimination into the law. Your taxi drivers can refuse to carry us. Your hotels can refuse to house us. And your restaurants can refuse to serve us… When I was younger, people used “God’s Will” as a reason to keep the races separate, too.Make no mistake, this is the new segregation, yours is a Jim Crow law, and you are about to make yourself ground zero.
Takei’s blog, titled “Razing Arizona,” can be read in full here.
Read more: Huffington Post