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Liberal Illogic on Display: Harvey Weinstein at UCLA

In a world spinning out of control so rapidly that even hiding under one’s bed isn’t safe anymore, why would anyone talk about Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein? Because, in the wake of CPAC, Weinstein, in a keynote speech at UCLA’s 38th Entertainment Symposium, exposed the very core of the liberal psychosis Conservatism faces in the 2014 elections and beyond.

Weinstein has an impressive CV; co-creator of Miramax, he has produced over 283 films. He’s won an Oscar. Stage plays and television productions accrue to his credit. He’s even won an OBE in recognition for his work to the British film industry. In short, he is a mogul and a powerhouse of American success. Unfortunately Weinstein’s orientation is representative of what is acceptable in today’s liberal culture. He is a zealous and unapologetic statist. That means that his ideology can jumble completely conflicting concepts without causing a ripple of misgiving.

For example, Weinstein’s Entertainment Symposium speech made an impassioned plea for a reduction of taxes in California…for the movie industry. The same man who passionately supports the efforts of President-Redistribution-of–Wealth. As long as it isn’t his wealth that’s being redistributed. Variety quoted Weinstein:

“There’s no reason for us not to shoot (in CA), except when you do the numbers here and when you do the numbers in New Orleans…it is much more attractive financially”…Weinstein said that Los Angeles and California “doesn’t even have to give the same discount” to remain competitive, noting the cost and hassle of having to locate actors and other talent in New Orleans is an added expense despite their generous tax incentives.

That “expense” didn’t prevent Weinstein from taking advantage of Conservative-run Louisiana’s more attractive, financial climate when he produced his film Southpaw. Clearly, Weinstein’s liberalism does not extend to his wallet. It also insures that his “logic” elevator never reaches the top floor.

Thanks to Weinstein, Hollywood and a liberal elite that demands that others do as they say, not as they do, California is flat broke. Where, pray tell, does Weinstein expect additional tax breaks to come from? Perhaps from the ever-dwindling pool of California’s wealthier inhabitants? Weinstein just can’t connect the dots. His puerile “I want it so I deserve it” convictions have hit reality’s wall. Hollywood is coming face to face with the fact that they and their fellow statists have become reverse alchemists. They’ve successfully turned the Golden State into lead.

Weinstein’s liberal illogic doesn’t stop there. Once an avid supporter of Hillary for President, he was successfully wooed by The Lyin’ King and FLOTUS once the inevitable die was cast. On Saturday, The Hollywood Reporter quoted Weinstein: “‘I strongly support Hillary. When she lost, Michelle invited me back in … [the Obamas] are definitely idealists and care deeply about this country. I was very impressed by them. And the first lady is beyond beyond,’ he said.”

Although correct in his assessment of FLOTUS as “beyond beyond,” to paraphrase Senator Ted Cruz’s CPAC speech, I don’t think Weinstein’s phrase, “beyond beyond”, means what he thinks it means. Weinstein remains a steadfast advocate for Hillary despite the fact that last week he DNC failed to come up with a single, Hillary accomplishment. What’s reality got to do with it?

During the same UCLA presentation, Weinstein shared another nugget of liberal conviction. According to Variety:

He chided Republicans for their focus on the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, particularly over the role of Clinton as Secretary of State…”There’s nothing to it,” he said of Benghazi. “I mean, there’s a lot to it, but there’s nothing to what these guys are saying. Hillary Clinton didn’t answer her phone and that is how Americans died, that’s complete bullshit. It sounds good, but I don’t believe the guys who are saying it believe it.”

Neither do other deluded Hillary supporters. Therein lays the problem.

Weinstein’s dysfunctional logic is widespread and must not be ignored. He merely represents a high-profile example of the views that riddle the nation. For instance, Condoleezza Wright, just-this-side-of- RINO, was slated to receive an honorary doctorate from Rutgers University. Still considered too right-wing to be tolerated, Rutgers faculty and students demanded that the honor be rescinded and withdrew her invitation to their commencement ceremony. Liberal commentator Juan Williams was outraged. It is symptomatic of statist double standards that Williams, outspoken against any opinions further right than The Lyin’ King’s, could defend Ms. Rice. But Leftist tenets suggest that what makes Ms. Rice worthy of being championed by Mr. Williams is not her merit; rather, it is her skin color.

The Tea Party News Network provided pertinent excerpts from Dr. Benjamin Carson’s CPAC address: “I hate political correctness…the problem is that (common sense individuals) have been ‘beaten into submission by the PC (political-correctness) policemen’, which has kept people from speaking up about what they believe. Unfortunately, America’s leaders are ideologues…who don’t care about facts…”

Weinstein typifies this. Statist irrationality has been permitted to fester, unimpeded, in every aspect of American perception. There isn’t much time left to put an end to the Left’s monopoly on what is considered correct and to reinstate logic to its rightful place in America’s consciousness.

An Oscar isn’t at stake; it’s the survival of the Republic.

Image: Courtesy of:

Marilyn Assenheim

Marilyn Assenheim was born and raised in New York City. She spent a career in healthcare management although she probably should have been a casting director. Or a cowboy. A serious devotee of history and politics, Marilyn currently lives in the NYC metropolitan area.