Defying Indoctrination: Reformed Education as Hedge Against Media Bias
It’s time to seriously rethink the way we “do” education in America.
Every student should have a computerized cubicle. Every fact-based course should be taught via video and computerized programmed-learning. Students should progress at their own pace in all fact-based subjects.
Cubicle sessions should be disbursed between group sessions, where topics could be discussed and questions answered by teachers and/or other students.
Kids today are totally comfortable with digital devices, silver screens, video, and computerized information. Continuing to teach via 19th-century methodology is inefficient and less effective.
Each student could have his own computer and cubicle docking-station. Each computer could be backed up automatically. Homework could be done on the student’s computer. Parents could be interconnected to their child’s computer – thus enhancing parental involvement and progress monitoring.
Courses that do not lend themselves to cubicle computerized-learning could be taught via traditional methods.
Values-based courses could be offered via parental preferences, e.g., religion, ethics, philosophy, sociology, economics, etc.
Needless to say, the possibilities are enormous. Courses could be taught by the most competent and effective teachers. See The Teaching Company courses for examples of the quality that could be provided by the nation’s leading teachers.
Sound, effective, truthful education is more important than ever for many reasons – media bias being one of them.
For instance, I had a 2-½ hour drive on a recently past Saturday and Monday morning. I’ve often heard that Public Radio was a liberal-leftist organization; so I listened to WNYC – a Public Radio station serving the greater New York area. I wanted to find out if the claims of Public Radio’s liberal-leftist bias were true – and if so, what they were advocating.
Frankly, I was amazed at how liberal-leftist their programming is as confirmed during my 2-½ hours of uninterrupted listening. It was sometimes subtle, but every program and discussion was tilted left. Under-informed listeners might fail to realize that they were being indoctrinated.
As a 75 year old businessman, I can’t understand this bias. Isn’t it dishonest for a so called “Public Network” to be biased versus objective? Are their producers so insecure in their liberal-leftist beliefs that they cannot provide an honest and balanced perspective? How shameful! How cowardly! How unprofessional!
For another viewpoint, I highly recommend: FOX News Reporting: Enemies of the State — now on YOUTUBE — Parts I, II, III. A must see.
Fox News aired this shocking documentary the other night. It reported on how agencies of the federal government are using their power to abuse and punish American citizens and American businesses which don’t agree with the Administration’s politics, policies, rulings, etc.
This is disturbing and a good illustration of how the USA is gradually becoming a coercive police state.
This program, like many others, is available on YouTube in three parts – I, II, and III. I strongly urge thinking Americans to view it and pass it and this message on to thinking friends and neighbors.
Here’s the link:
Image: Courtesy of: