WHOA: Mom Whups Ass On 12yr. Old Daughter For Semi-Nude Facebook Pics
A video showing a mother from Trinidad and Tobago whipping her 12-year-old daughter with a belt for sharing sexually explicit photos of herself on Facebook has gone viral, sparking a national conversation in the island nation about corporal punishment.
Last Sunday, a video was posted on Facebook showing Helen Bartlett, a mother of four from Point Fortin, beating her sobbing daughter while hurling profanities at her.
The six-minute clip, which depicts Ms Bartlett raining blows on the 12-year-old girl, who whimpers in pain and cowers from the belt, has been shared more than 43,000 online.
The unsettling clip has left viewers divided, with some people justifying the mother’s actions, while others calling it child abuse.
On Wednesday, Bartlett’s daughter and her older sister uploaded another video in response to the controversy, expressing support for their mother.
Read more: Daily Mail