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BOKO BS: Allen West, ‘Focus on Boko Haram Right Now Seems Fishy to Me’

By Allen West

I find it interesting that everyone (including the First Lady) is now all up in arms about Boko Haram and their jihadist actions. After all, we reported on the kidnappings of the girls quite some time ago – this isn’t breaking news. This Islamic terrorist group has a long rap sheet of atrocities, such as burning alive some 50 boys and attacking Christians over these past three to four years on Christmas and Easter.

Isn’t it interesting that all of a sudden when celebrities get engaged, it becomes a national emergency? Who else needs to issue a hash tag alert? But why now? As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton refused to declare Boko Haram a terrorist organization.

So why all the attention now?

Remember the movie with Robert Deniro and Dustin Hoffman called “Wag the Dog?” Funny thing, that film was released just before the Clinton-Lewinsky kabuki dance and the infamous pharmaceutical factory bombing in Sudan by President Clinton (and by the way, Monica is back in the limelight thanks to an article in Vanity Fair – but I digress – or maybe not).

Are we witnessing an Obama “Wag the Dog” moment with Boko Haram in Nigeria? I say yes.

Consider all the scandals facing the Obama administration, especially Benghazi and the Select Committee, which Rep. Nancy Pelosi referred to as a “political stunt.” Really? Four Americans die, we’re told it was because of an anti-Islam video, no one has been “brought to justice” and THAT is a phony scandal and a political stunt? Boy, if this had been a Republican president, he or she certainly would never have been reelected because the media would have been all over it. Instead the media is doing everything possible to protect Obama.

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