HILLARY’S BOKO MISTAKE-O: She Refused to Class Boko Haram as ‘Terrororists’ After Threats to ‘Murder the U.S. Ambassador’
Boko Haram, the African Islamist terror group whose April kidnapping of nearly 300 young girls has united the civilized world in anger, promised to assassinate U.S. ambassador to Nigeria Terence McCulley in February 2012, vowing to murder him if America signed a terrorism-fighting Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with the government in Abuja.
McCulley, now the U.S. ambassador to Ivory Coast, was not harmed. But the threat, coming amid a years-long bombing campaign that killed more than 1,400 Nigerian civilians, didn’t move then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to fast-track the addition of Boko Haram to the U.S. government’s official list of international terrorist groups.
Independent media outlets inside Nigeria first reported on February 9, 2012 that an unnamed Boko Haram leader issued a statement promising that ‘we will murder the U.S. Ambassador if the MOU is signed.’
The revelation provides a stark parallel with assassination warnings issued by Islamist groups in Benghazi, Libya in the months before the September 11, 2012 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American personnel.
In June of that year, Ansar al-Shariah – the al-Qaeda-linked group that carried out the Benghazi attack – held a parade, two days of rallies and a press conference in central Benghazi. With dozens of military vehicles and heavy arms on display, the terrorists held what an intelligence analyst later said was ‘a team pep rally before the game, only for jihad.’
The Clinton State Department infamously ignored that event, even though the first attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi followed two days later – a bombing at the compound’s gate that left a hole big enough for 40 men to walk through.
Later requests for additional armed guards at the Benghazi station also fell on deaf ears. Ansar al-Shariah ultimately returned to finish the job.
A September 2013 report from the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee ominously speculated that McCulley’s fate in Nigeria could be the same as Stevens’ in Libya.
Read more: Daily Mail