Romper Room: the Once Great Democratic Party
The once-great Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy and Daniel Patrick Moynihan has become a romper room for radicals, spoiled brats and psychos.
We have a president who refuses to debate the merits of the issues. Instead, he chooses to demonize the opposition. Any half-wit toddler can do as much. Recently, a proposal to raise the minimum wage failed in the Senate. Leading to the failure, and in its aftermath, he attacked.
“They (Republicans) prevented a raise for 28 million hard-working Americans. They said no to helping millions work their way out of poverty.”
Never mind the fact that raising the minimum wage will do nothing to address poverty. Never mind that there are legitimate reasons for opposing the raise, (read here).
Raising the minimum wage actually makes unemployment worse. You’d never know listening to Democrats. Never mind that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, last year 1.566 million hourly workers earned the federal minimum, not 28 million workers. Obama not only demonizes, he regularly lies in order to exaggerate and make the demonization more poisonous.
In an election year when Democrats are desperate to change the subject on the economy, employment, jobs, ObamaCare and government spending, facts fall victim to rhetoric. And notice the pattern: any time anyone disagrees with Barack Obama, they are automatically deemed a ‘bad person.’ Talk about bigoted.
Do you really believe Republicans oppose the minimum wage because they want to see people remain in poverty? Do you really believe the minimum wage has anything to do with poverty? Isn’t it rather true the minimum wage is one of the straws Democrats are grasping in their desperate attempts to avoid disaster in November?
Instead of enacting proven methods for growing the economy and creating jobs–real solutions to poverty– these half-wit toddlers demonize conservatives and insist on the installation of old, discredited collectivist economic measures. Despite hard evidence, they insist on repeating the failures of the past, grasping straws all along the way, posting the ludicrous claim ObamaCare is promoting economic development. Of course anyone opposed to ObamaCare wants poor people to die and get out of the way. Thank you chief psycho Alan Grayson: one of many ventriloquist dummies sitting on Nancy Pelosi’s lap.
Immigration is another straw.
If you support the idea that immigration laws should be enforced, that the border should be secured, and that amnesty works against those good goals under the rule of law, according to many in the romper room, you are a heartless racist. Rather than run for office by making their case in reasoned debates, they routinely resort to school-yard name calling, then push amnesty to recruit voters, all the while calling voter ID another racist plot.
Citizen attempts to True the Vote result in multiple visits from the feds, threats and investigations, but Obama insists there’s not a smidgeon of corruption at the IRS. Remember he originally promised to fully investigate the IRS, and, like the promise to find the killers in Benghazi, all is eventually ignored, denied and covered up.
On affirmative discrimination, it’s the same thing. More and more people press for equal treatment under the law, a reasonable stance given years of institutionalized favoritism. The Supreme Court recently affirmed a state’s right to move away from these discriminatory practices. Is the debate engaged with facts and logic? Hell no. Some childish clown in the Democrat ranks attacked Justice Thomas calling him an “Uncle Tom”, one of the most vicious denunciations this side of “nigger”. Did anyone in the romper room condemn his remark? Anybody at the NAACP object? No? Why?
Ranchers and average citizens who’ve battled the federal government over use of federal lands (the people’s land) for years finally decide their only recourse is armed resistance in the face of attack by the Feds. Those brave souls, exercising their God-given right to hold government accountable, do not get a fair hearing by spoiled psychos like Harry Reid. Instead, they are called names, characterized as traitors, and threatened.
And on social issues–abortion, same sex marriage, gender issues–there is no place in the romper room for reasoned discussion, facts or compromise. The message is clear: get in line, or suffer the consequences. This is where the toddlers truly turn totalitarian, waging war against anyone who dares disagree and dissent.
A CEO who opposes same-sex marriage is figuratively lynched and driven from his job. A couple with a photography business in New Mexico is destroyed for declining to photograph a same-sex ceremony. Another couple with a bakery in Oregon is similarly driven out of business amid death threats.
And anyone who opposes murdering children in the womb is cast waging a war on women according to Obots, people who insist on turning this once-great republic into a national daycare center, run by radicalized incompetents who specialize in scandal, defeat and demoralization.
The most important issues of concern to the majority–jobs, the economy, taxes, government spending–are purposefully being ignored by Democrats this year, and there is only one reason for it: they care more about re-election than they do about The People.
Perhaps once-great Democrats in the tradition of JFK and Moynihan will join other grown-ups exercising common sense and help us get this country back on track. But if romper room prevails, it will be bare knuckles from here on out.
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