HOLY MATRIMONY, BATMAN: Divorce Rate Amongst Christians Ain’t What You’ve Been Sold
Remember how everyone would say that the divorce rate in America was the same in the church as outside of the church? Some new research is saying that stat is bogus. Check it out from Western Journalism:
It is commonly thought that the rate of divorce in the church is the same as the rate of divorce among those outside the church, supposedly a whopping 50 percent. According to Harvard-trained researcher Shaunti Feldhahn, though, the rate of divorce among church attenders is “maybe 15 percent, maybe 20 percent for all marriages.”
Feldhahn could find no actual evidence that the divorce rate in society at large and the church was an abysmal 50 percent. She spent eight years seeking the truth in this matter, and she came to dramatically different conclusions from what “common knowledge” describes. Feldhahn produced a book called The Good News About Marriage to debunk the discouraging notion that divorce in the church is around 50 percent.
Read more: Western Journalism