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Houston’s Toilet Wars! Appeasing Special Interests

All forms of evil pop-up when political correctness runs amok. Such is the case reported at Right Wing News: It was an 11-6 vote of the Houston City Council prompting Democrat (lesbian) Mayor Annise Parker to issue her directive.

This new precedent states that: “Houston’s bathrooms, showers, and dressing facilities will now be open to all, regardless of gender, gender identity, gender expression, or other predilection of gender-behavior.” So when an eyeball is leering at me between the stall doors and peering into my private potty time, do I have a legal right to kick the ass attached to the eyeball in question? I say Hell, yes, and whack him where it counts, too!

The article continued: Houston Council Member, At Large Position 3, Michael Kubosh took exception to this. Kubosh told KPRC TV, “It’s going to criminalize people that have been found in violation in the ordinance and the fine could be between $500 to $5,000.”

Well, here’s another nice mess a Democrat has gotten us into, WTH! Only a non-parent Democrat would think that this is ok. Great, so picture this: there’s a man loitering around a once-upon-a-time “women’s only” bathroom stall, with little girls running around unattended, no…nothing wrong with that. How many pedophiles do you think could be rounded up around town in the first week of this lunacy?…I would venture to say quite a few. How much damage to a Child’s mind can be done in a few seconds with a pedophile having free reign…Unimaginable.

This is an elected Democrats crown-jewel of legislation. Silly voters, are you happy now? Hey, Annise, you better put barbed-wire around your house, because many angry parents will be storming the castle looking for you…Priceless. I’m just glad my kids are grown. As for me, I’ll just be reporting on the carnage that you, Annise, will be responsible for.

So from here on out, parents, please, do not let your young children go to any public restroom in the Houston area by themselves. When I say “young”, I mean any child of yours under 25 years of age. I might let my 28 year old go by herself to a public restroom…might.

As a side note: I have walked into a “men’s only” bathroom (by accident) around five times in my life. Unfortunately, the last time was just a few days ago, I was on the phone, I looked right at the door sign and kept going…So embarrassing! I didn’t figure it out till I was inside, looking down and saw the urinals. My thought was…Gee, why did they put urinals in a women’s bathroom?…Maybe the Houston law is reaching up here to Austin.

Then it hit me (since I have been known for wondering into the wrong sex public restroom before,) so I opened the door again and looked at the sign…Yep, “men’s” -– Oy-vey!

Image: Courtesy of:



++++Allen is an old-enough-to-know-better, concerned American. Lover of God and Country, wife and mother of three grown twenty-something babies. Crusading the fight against "real" social injustice issues, and liberal idiots, anywhere I find it, and them. She's written a book available on The Underbelly of a Mega Church Image: Joan of Arc; Courtesy of: Archivo:Portrait_jeanne_d%27arc.jpg