INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Meet Iraq’s ‘King of Clubs’

Here’s an awesome interview with Major General Paul Vallely via Cowboy Logic Radio:
General Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, the King of Clubs, is back and leading the Sunni Insurgency with the backing of the Iraqis national tribes, units of the Republican Guards and the Fedayeen of Saddam.
Both nationalistic and religious units are at odds with each other, two different trajectories – ISIS being led by Al Baghdadi wants the Caliphate, others (The Sunnis led by al-Douri) want the return of the old Iraq.
They are fighting together in the same trench and the same battle filed to remove Iran’s influence in the area and abolish the Iraqi/Maliki government in Baghdad.
Al-Douri first escaped out of Iraq in April 2003 and took refuge in Aleppo, Syria where he has planned and led the offensive/killing operations against the Shia and civilians throughout Iraq.
He has many dedicated officers and soldiers from the Saddam days and new recruits who make up his staff, field commanders and foot soldiers.
Read more: Stand Up America